How Can I Fund That?
Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash
In our work with artists and arts institutions, the question of how to pay for X Gallery storage or consulting services is one that has come up frequently. It’s not a traditional area of funding but there are a fair number of foundations that understand the value of secure, climate-controlled storage for artists’ work, and who will support the work of career documentation, studio archives, and legacy planning. Below is a list of potential funders that artists might consider talking to about these areas of focus. The more they hear that there is a need, the more they may consider this an essential investment in arts culture. X Gallery Art Storage is happy to put together a proposal for services in support of applications that look to supplement out of pocket costs for storage or archiving needs.
Artists Trust
Fellowship Awards
Deadline: November 8, 2021
Washington artists
Gottlieb Foundation
Individual Support Grant
Deadline: January 14, 2022
20+ years as mature artist
Harpo Foundation
Grants for Visual Artists
Deadline: April 29, 2022
Under-recognized artists
Oregon Arts Commission
Career Opportunity Program
$500-$2,000 (up to $9,000 additional with Ford Family Foundation)
Deadline: March 10, 2022
Oregon artists
Individual Artist Fellowship Program
Up to $5,000
Deadline: October 13, 2021
Oregon artists
Artists Registry
To be notified of funding opportunities in Oregon
Pollock-Krasner Foundation
Foundation Grant
Up to $30,000
Deadline: no deadline
10+ years in professional practice
Regional Arts and Culture Council
Make|Learn|Build Grant
$1,500 or $3,000
Deadline: Oct 6, 2021; Jan 26, 2022
Oregon artists in Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington Counties
Sustainable Arts Foundation
Deadline: February 2022
Artists and writers with at least 1 child under 18
Tree of Life
Individual Artist Grant
$ based on need
Deadline: January 2022
Age 60+